Tuesday, 7 July 2015


There were a few positive announcements recently for MITRA on 3 July 2015. Personally, I'm pleased with the announcements and this is somewhat a good indication of how the company is performing. Well if your company ain't performing well, you won't be able to be distributing benefits to others.

The first piece of good news was the declaration of cash dividend.

  • First and final single tier cash dividend of 5 sen per ordinary share of RM 0.50 each in respect of the financial year ended 31 December 2014.
  • EX-date : 17-Aug-2015
  • Payment date : 27-Aug-2015
The second piece of good news was the bonus shares for the existing investors.

  • Bonus issue of up to 222,630,874 new ordinary shares of RM0.50 ("MHB Shares") each in Mitrajaya Holdings Berhad ("MHB") ("Bonus Share(s)") on the basis of one (1) Bonus Share for every two (2) existing MHB Shares held by the shareholders of MHB whose names appear in MHB's Record of Depositors as at 5.00 p.m. on 19 August 2015 ("Entitlement Date") ("Entitled Shareholders") ("Bonus Issue")
  • EX-date : 17-Aug-2015
  • Entitlement Date : 19-Aug-2015 at 05:00PM

The third piece of good news was the issuing of warrant for the existing shareholders with conditions.

  • Bonus issue of up to 89,052,349 free warrants in Mitrajaya Holdings Berhad ("MHB") ("Warrants-D") on the basis of one (1) Warrant-D for every five (5) existing ordinary shares of RM0.50 each in MHB ("MHB Shares") held by the shareholders of MHB whose names appear in MHBs Record of Depositors at 5.00 p.m. on 19 August 2015 ("Entitlement Date") ("Entitled Shareholders")
  • EX-date : 17-Aug-2015
  • Entitlement Date : 19-Aug-2015 at 05:00PM
More information can be obtained from the official site of KLSE or you can click here

The share price closed at 1.82 on Friday, 03-Jul-2015. The good news have spiked the share price on Monday to a high of 1.89 but it closed at 1.84. I believe we will continue to see positive movements for this share in the near future. There's some bumpy ride for KLSE right now so be prepared to hold on for a while longer to see a higher share price.

Let's hope for the best in this stock and good luck to all the investors out there! Happy Trading!